From Consulting to Planning

Improve business focus through top-level consulting

Leverage strategic guidance in IT initiatives, projects, and changes to infrastructure and applications.

IT Management Consulting

Our top-level consulting services help your leadership team maximize your business’ potential by providing guidance to help you navigate your way through the technology landscape.

IT Strategy – helping you to plan out the set of best practices for your technology setup going forward

IT Assessments – providing you with feedback on the state of your current IT infrastructure

IT Separation Planning – seeing you through the reconfiguration of your technology infrastructure in the event of a divisional sale or spin-off

Project Delivery Consulting

ACTech Consulting can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to ensure timely project delivery. Our project managers will consult with you on a wide variety of topics, including:

System Architecture – Our architects are able to work with your business leaders to cover essential elements needed in the design of your infrastructure to ensure your technology suite is ready to support your company’s operations in the future

Systems/Business Analysis – Our systems and business analysts are available to conduct an in-depth survey or your operations and recommend best in class solutions.

Business Operations

When it comes to running your business, you need to ensure your technology is up to the task of supporting your operational goals. Our managed services and business analysts are available to provide expert guidance in the following areas:

Business Process Optimization – examining your overall processes for efficiency and effectiveness and working with you to improve them or implement new ones that will maximize your business goals.

Buy vs Build – helping your organization with the decision of whether to buy applications or infrastructure or build your own. Our consultants will analyze your business needs, compute the total cost of ownership of the system, and help to determine the best value for your company going forward.

Cloud Assessments

We can conduct cloud analysis of your business and potential vendors to help you determine which services are ideally suited for cloud delivery versus those you should handle onsite. We will assess business requirements and processes, potential vendors, the technology environment, impact to business, processes, and security and guide you towards setting up your IT environment.

Cloud Migration Services – if your business is looking to move on-premise infrastructure or applications to the cloud, we can ensure you approach your cloud migration with a comprehensive strategy, business impact analysis, best practices for deployment, a skilled migration team, and thorough testing. Migrating to the cloud can be a complex process. Our cloud experts can simplify and accelerate your journey to the cloud.

Is Your Business Getting the Most It Can From the Cloud?

Our cloud services can assist your business at whatever stage you’re at…

✔ Assessing cloud readiness

✔ Choosing a platform, service, public vs. private environment

✔ Creating a cloud roadmap and strategy

✔ Migrating to the cloud

✔ Supporting your cloud environment

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IT Consulting services

Some common areas where IT services can be beneficial include leadership development, improving communication skills, enhancing decision-making abilities, managing change, strategic planning, team building, and fostering a positive organizational culture.